The world is getting smaller and it is essential that we equip our children with an understanding of different cultures and the ability to communicate with children from around the world. At Milgate our focus is to design a rigorous curriculum that has a true international perspective. SISTER SCHOOL with Beijing Normal University Experimental Primary SchoolBeijing Normal University Experimental Primary School
(Please note this website text is in Mandarin)We are proud to be the sister school of one of the most prestigious schools in China. Our students are now communicating with students from our sister school regularly and sharing their knowledge and fostering a strong relationship. The Principal and staff from Beijing have visited Milgate numerous times over the last few years to observe our teaching practices and to continue to learn about our world class curriculum. In early 2013, our Principal, Debbie Mierisch, also visited Milgate's sister school in China and was given a very warm welcome from all the students and staff. Ms Mierisch observed and learnt a great deal about education in China. You can read more about this in the "Visit to Sister School 2013" to the right of your screen. We look forward to sending staff and students to our sister school in the near future.This message was sent by a teacher at our sister school after their visit to Milgate:
Our team has safely come back to school today. Although they are still a little jet-lagged, they are happy to tell everyone what they've experienced in your school. You and your host families were so enthusiastic, so that they didn't want to come back! Thank you again! And please pass our appreciation to all the teachers, students and host families.
Angie, Experimental Primary School of BNU