Milgate Primary School uses the process of Continuous Reporting to monitor each child's progress and celebrate their learning.
Continuous Reporting is the documentation of learning, which reflects the growth and progress of the student as a learner. Continuous Reporting allows students to reflect on their learning while setting goals for improvement, thus taking responsibility and ownership of their learning, therefore developing student agency as a Learner.
At Milgate Primary School we believe that Continuous Reporting:
Continuous Reporting replaces the ‘traditional’ end of semester report comments as we move towards the emphasis of monitoring and documenting student learning during the semester. Each child will still receive an end of semester progression point against the Victorian curriculum and a Personal and Social comment.
Continuous Reporting:
Continuous reporting means that students will be posting work that they choose on Seesaw at regular intervals so that students and parents can monitor their developing understanding in real time. A schedule has been created where student work will be posted in certain weeks. In a single post for example, a student may upload a sample of their writing, accompanied by their own feedback on their piece and also feedback from the teacher in the form of strengths and a goal. Students will also have the opportunity to upload additional ‘free choice’ learning’ with no teacher reflection.
Parents will receive examples of their child’s learning in the following areas each term:
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
A child can post at anytime explaining why they have made a post
Wk 3 - UOI - WWA
Wk 3 - Maths
Wk 3 - Language Arts
Wk 3 - UOI
Wk 5- UOI
Wk 5 - UOI - WWA
Wk 5 - UOI
Wk 7 - Language Arts
Wk 7 - UOI
Wk 7 - Maths
Wk 9 - Maths
Wk 9 - Language Arts
Wk 9 - UOI
Wk 10 - Maths
10 wk term
9 wk term
12 wk term