Performing Arts activities include singing, playing instruments, creative movement and drama. These lessons are integrated with the classroom units of study as well meeting the standards outlined in the Arts curriculum standards.
Music and Drama skills and concepts are covered at each level with students applying these skills in a number of performance opportunities at school assemblies and celebrations. Year 3 and 4 students develop an understanding and skill in reading conventional music notation when they explore several instruments including the keyboard and ukuleles .
Students also have the opportunity to participate in our School Choir which further enhances and extends their appreciation and understanding of the Performing Arts.
In Years 5 & 6, our focus is on consolidating the students' music and performing art skills. This includes formal notation, the elements of music and playing a variety of instruments.
At the end of each year the whole school enjoys a concert where all students have the opportunity to perform for family and friends.
Every second year our Year 5 & 6 students participate in the school's musical. Students at Milgate look forward to this event, as they prepare for their performance with an enthusiastic attitude and great commitment.
The learning outcomes for our students are immeasurable. They gain self-confidence as they learn about themselves and their abilities. They develop an appreciation of the Performing Arts as they prepare lines, songs, dances, props, sets and costumes.
Performances are held at a local Performing Arts Centre, to ensure students have an authentic theatrical experience of performance as they see the lighting and sound technicians at work.
2019 - Mulan
2017 - The Lion King Junior
2016 - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
2015 - The Pirates of Penzance
2014 - The Little Mermaid
2013 - Danger Kids
2012 - Kids in Space
2011 - Dragon Girl
2010 - Masquerade
2009 - Who Dunnit?
2008 - Kidsummer Night Dream
2007 - Billabong Prank
2006 - Under the Big Top
2005 - Kids in Camelot
2004 - Kids at Sea
2003 - Masquerade
2002 - Currawong Creek